Thursday, May 17, 2007


 Ask Fitz! Your Fitness Questions Answered - That's Fit
 Ask Fitz! Your Fitness Questions Answered

 Posted : May 16th 2007 5:30AM  byFitz K.  (Related) 

 Filed under: Fitness  (Related)  , General Health  (Related)  , Healthy Habits  (Related)  , Healthy Home  (Related)  , Women's Health  (Related)  , Men's Health  (Related)  , Diet and Weight Loss  (Related)  , Healthy Kids  (Related)  , Ask Fitz!  (Related) 

 Have fitness questions? Fitz has your answer. Our fitness expert -- and now your own virtual personal trainer -- will help you get fit, increase your overall health and do it in a fun way. Drop your questions here in the Comments section below and we'll choose two per week to publish on That's Fit! Learn more about Fitz here.  (Related)  Fitz  here.

 Q. Fitz, I'm a stay-at-home mom who is very active with a small child. I feel like I need to be doing more exercise, but going to a gym or taking an hour for myself during the day isn't a reality. How can I get more exercise in with my daily routine? Thanks in advance, Carrie

 A. Hey Carrie. I'm feeling your pain. With two little ones of my own, it definitely requires strategic planning to keep fit. Even though I own a great gym, I utilize the local health club because of its amazing childcare program. Not only do I get to accomplish a great workout, but I get an hour of 'me time' which offers a priceless break in my day. I wish you had the same luxury.

 However! If that isn't a reality for you, it just isn't. There are plenty of opportunities for fitness at home. Either plan to workout with kids or without. Training with kids could be running with the jogging stroller, or cycling while towing your child in that towing trailer. (What is that called?) You may also just jump in with them and dance to a Wiggles video together sometimes. "Doing the Monkey" requires plenty of energy, and's something right!

 On the days we don't go to the gym, I make great use of their nap or rest times and workout here in the house. I suggest investing in a piece of great home cardio equipment. A treadmill, stepper, or elliptical trainer can provide you a super workout at slow or fast paces, at any time of day in any kind of weather. Other easy things to do at home are jumping rope, push-ups, dips on the floor, lunges, squats and crunches. You can do those exercises which require no equipment throughout your day. 40 push-ups in the morning and squats at lunch. Easy as that.

 Owning a variety of fitness videos is a brilliant plan as well. Not only can you do them on your own, but I find that children seem eager to take part with their parents. Get a variety of videos that appeal to you, and pop one in whenever you can. They're truly designed for folks in your situation. The need to exercise at home.

 Parenting certainly does make 'me time' more difficult, but staying fit is one of the most generous things you can do for your children. They're going to want you around for a really long time! Fitz

 Q. Dear Fitz, My fiancee and I want to work out together to look our best for our wedding next fall. We don't want to be stuck lifting weights or on a machine alone. Can you recommend some ways we can partner up to get fit?

 Jamie & Jordan

 I love it! You two are in the ideal situation because of three things. You have a specific goal with a specific date to accomplish it by. Your partnership will help keep each other motivated and accountable. And! Since you two are in love, your time together will be fun and something you'll look forward to. Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!

 I suggest you two sit down and brainstorm some fun training ideas. Hopefully your thoughts will vary so you'll have a variety of cool fitness things to do. Both of you make a list of exercises/classes/sports you'd like to pursue. Get out your calendars and go down each others lists and schedule a time to do a bit of everything. That will keep your workouts diverse, challenging, and fun.

 Hold each other accountable, and don't be so quick to let your partner off the hook if they try to skip out on a workout. That's what partners are for; encouraging each other to stick to the plan and achieve your goals. Also, create rewards for accomplishing certain tasks. For example, after every 20th workout you buy each other a small non-food gift. Or......after you each lose five percent of your weight, you put extra money in your honeymoon fun money account. Whatever!

 Set goals, be creative, be accountable, and celebrate your success. Enjoy preparing for your wedding. Soak in the event as much as possible. And plan to adore and support each other for the rest of your days. I wish you a fairytale life together!

 Punches & Kicks,

Fitz  (Related) 

 Note: The content presented in this Q. & A section is for informational purposes only and should not be viewed as medical advice or substitute for professional medical care.

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