Monday, June 4, 2007


 Evelyn Pringle: Serotonin Syndrome

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in Portland, Oregon and Olympia, Washington
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in Portland, Oregon and Olympia, Washington


 May 8, 2007

 Dave Lindorff

Great Oil Robbery

 May 7, 2007

 Patrick Cockburn

Great Wall of Baghdad Rises

 Monica Benderman
Land of Opportunity

 Greg Moses
Hutto Prison Rebuffs UN Rapporteur

 Rannie Amiri
The Sham at Sheikh: Iraq Regional Conference a Flop

 Fitrakis / Wasserman
Media Silence on Kent State Revelations

 Fred Wilhelms
Another Royalty Forfeiture From SoundExchange: And This Time
It's Secret!

 Ramzy Baroud
The Hourglass of Blood: Darfur Revisited

 Bruce K. Gagnon
The Democrats Don't Own the Antiwar Movement

 T. W. Croft
Home Movies from a Weekend in Paris--And Related Dreamscapes

 Sonja Karkar
Prizes for Supporting Israel?

 Website of the Day
Posada Carriles: the Declassified Record

May 5 / 6, 2007

 Alexander Cockburn

to Catch Up with the Voters

 William Blum
How America Has Changed Iraq

 Uri Avnery
Exercise in Escapism

 Franklin Lamb
Harvard's Twisted Report on Israel's Invasion of Lebanon

 Fred Gardner
Elective Surgeries Kill

 Lawrence R.
The American Moral Meltdown Accelerates

 Missy Beattie

Lying and Dying: The Moral Sensibility
of Military Recruiters

 Robert Fantina
Bush's Veto: Hypocritical Words and Actions

 Carla Blank
American Massacres and the Media

 Linn Washington,
The Long Ordeal of Harold Wilson

 Stephen F. Jackson
Taking It to Drummond: Paramilitaries and Mining Companies in

 P. Sainath
The Jailing of Indian Farmers

 Anthony Papa
Time to End New York's War on Itself

 James T. Phillips
Blather Cancer

 John Ross
Last Days of the Willie Loman of the EZLN

 Stephen Lendman
Chavez's Oil Policy Sparks Panic at Wall Street Journal

 Ben Terrall
Iggy Pop at 60

Advice from a Geezer Assassin

 Poets' Basement
Valentine, Engel and Davies

 Website of
the Weekend
Mountain Justice Summer


 May 4, 2007

 Patrick Cockburn

the Surge is Failing

 Col. Dan Smith
From Watergate to Gonzogate

 Norman Solomon
FOX on Wall Street

 Azmi Bishara
Why is Israel After Me?

 Ron Jacobs
Sitting in on Senator Kohl and the War

 Dave Lindorff
Clinton and Byrd are Calling for Revocation of the Wrong AUMF

 Kevin Zeese
The Democrats Cave to Bush

 Bob Fitrakis
Why Four Died in Ohio: Kent State, Gov. Rhodes and the FBI

 Janet Kauffman
"Stop the Mudness!" Bare Earth is Scorched Earth

 Website of
the Day
Let Us Gather in Missouri!


 May 3, 2007

 Jeff Halper

Livni-Rice Plan for the Middle East: a Just Peace or Apartheid?


Best and Brightest: From Dr. Keroack to Bernard Kerik

 Dave Zirin
Talking Sports from Death Row: an Interview with Kevin Cooper

 Corporate Crime
Big Pharma Gets Its Hooks into Seton Hall Law School

 Robert Fisk
Olmert Comes Undone

 Mike Ferner
Bush Veto, Right for the Wrong Reasons?

 Mike Whitney
A Stock Market Post-Mortem

 Pham Binh
The Democrats and War Funding

 Dave Lindorff
Kucinich's Impeachment Train: Look Who Just Stepped Aboard

 Michael A.
Tenet on 60 Minutes

 Website of the Day
Olivia Wilde: the Interview


 May 2, 2007

 Saul Landau

Jesus Wear a Rolex on His TV Show?

 Dr. Susan Block
Hookergate II: Madame Julia's Big Black Book of Cheesy Republican
Sex Acts

 Carla Blank
Historical Amnesia: Worst U.S. Massacre?

 Margaret Kimberly
The Candor of Mike Gravel: "These People Frighten Me"

 Kevin Zeese
Durbin Gives Edwards More to Apologize For

 Carlos Villareal
How "Law and Order" Covers for Bigotry in the Immigration

 Michael Dickinson
Trouble in Turkey: Criminalizing Political Art

 Tim Shorrock
A Raw Deal Between Washington and Seoul: Corporate Interventionism
as Trade Policy

 Alevtina Rea
The Myth-Makers of Estonia

 William S.
General Incompetence: Col. Yingling and the Military Brass

 Website of the Day
Good News: Rost's "ZubeGate Exposé Prompts Congressional

May 1, 2007

 Andrew Cockburn

Rumsfeld Micromanaged Torture

 Fred Gardner
Affirmative Abstinence: Adios, Randall Tobias, the Man Who Turned
His Wife's Suicide into a Sales Pitch for Prozac

 Chase Madar
Are Working Class Jobs Bad for Your Health?

 Ralph Nader
Cheney and the BYU 25: Faith, Accountability and Protest in Utah

 John V. Walsh
Edgy Dems Snarl at Their Antiwar Base

 Joshua Frank
Obama, Incorporated

 Leslie Radford
The Migrant Trap and the Migrant's Way Out

 Shaun Harkin
An Interview with Nativo López on Immigration Bills and

 Dave Lindorff
Murtha Talks Impeachment

 Peter Rost,
Inspector General Requests Meeting with Pfizer Whistleblower

 Peter Linebaugh
May Day and Magna Carta

 Website of
the Day
Impeachment? Why Bother?


 April 30,

 Frank Menetrez

v. Finkelstein: Who's Right and Who's Wrong?

 Paul Craig
Incompetence at the Top: Tenet and His Masters

 Ray McGovern
Tenet's Self-Serving Apologia

 Manuel Garcia,
Fire Collapses Oakland Freeway as Steel Supports Fail

 Diana Johnstone
The Three Rs of "Sarko the American"

 Sherwood Ross
A So-Called "Liberal" Answers His Death Threats

 Peter Rost, MD
Did Pfizer Illegally Market Its New HIV/AIDS Drug?

 Robert Jensen

in Five Minutes

 Kevin Zeese
While Congress Voted for War, the Peace Movement Protested Inside
the Senate

 Jane Stillwater
Dalai Lama and Costco

 Website of
the Day
Francis Boyle: Impeaching Bush


 April 28
/ 29, 2007

 Alexander Cockburn

Global Warming a Sin?

 Jeffrey St.
Versailles on the Potomac

 Fred Gardner
Fuel for a Killer: What Drugs Had Cho Taken?

 David Orchard

and Michael Mandel
Afghanistan and Iraq are the Same War

 Alan Maass
The War on Hip Hop: an Interview with Dave Marsh

 Joe Bageant
Why Are Leftists So Damn Afraid of God?

 Robert Fantina
The Rhetoric of Dick Cheney: Lying as Art Form

 Hanan Ashrawi
Palestine and Peace: the Looming Challenges

 Ron Jacobs
Return of the Guitar Army

 Nicole Colson
The Surpeme Court Targets Abortion Rights

 Ben Terrall
Tracking Torture

 Missy Beattie
Quit Your Day Job, George

 Harvey Wasserman
The Lesson of Chernobyl

 Cindy Beringer
The Horrors of Hutto: Inside Texas' For-Profit Immigrant Prison

 Mike Roselle
The Dog Philosophy: What Kant Can't Tell Us About Why We Love

Freeing Afghanistan

 James McEnteer
Where the Movie Villains are American: Screening Films in Bolivia

 Poets' Basement
For Stew Albert

 Website of the Weekend
Rudy and Donald: the Drag Smooch

April 27, 2007

 Eva Liddell

Can Women Defend Themselves Against Stalkers?

 Phyllis Bennis

and Robert Jensen
Moving Beyond Anti-War Politics

 Mike Whitney
Where's the Beef?: Padilla and the Zucchini Prosecution

 Michael F.
Biden and Pelosi: Failing to Hold Israel Accountable for War
Crimes in Lebanon

 Jordan Flaherty
Forgotten Mississippi

 Margaret Kimberly
John McCain, Cold-Blooded Senator

 Christopher Brauchli
The Dangers of Unstable People

 Jacob Mundy
Stalemate in the Western Sahara?

 Website of the Day
Yee Speaks

April 26, 2007

 Andrew Cockburn


 Franklin Lamb

Plays the Islamic Terror Card

 Patrick Cockburn
Al-Qa'ida Group Behind US Deaths in Iraq

 Roger Morris
Dispatches From the Front

 Henry Siegman
The Three Nos of Jerusalem

 Alevtina Rea
A Sister City Debate in Rachel Corrie's Hometown

Are You a Hip Hop Apologist?

 Nikolas Kozloff
White Racism and the Aymara in Bolivia

 Alan Farago
Dow 13,000 Disconnect

 Matthew S. Miller
The Limits to Lakoff

 Website of
the Day
PBS: Blaming Blacks Again

April 25, 2007

 Sharon Smith

Rights of Children in America

 David Price
The Long Lost War

 Diana Johnstone
Who Wants Sarko? New or Old France?

 Brendan Cooney
Cho and Cheney: Killer Looks

 Sonja Karkar
Israeli Democracy, For Jews Only?

 Brian Concannon
Wolfowitz and Haiti

 Lee Gaillard
Baptism Under Fire: Can the Osprey Fly?

 Leah Fishbein
Women Under Siege

 Dave Lindorff
The First Shoe Drops

 Neal Galloway
US Agricultural Policy is Destructive at Home and Abroad

 Website of the Day
Anti-War Student Movements: a Short History


 April 24,

 Ishmael Reed

Imus' Media Collaborators Almost Rescued Their Chief

 Lila Rajiva
Tragedy and Irony After Virginia Tech

 Paul Craig Roberts
The War Goes Ever On

 Patrick Cockburn
Sunnis Protest Baghdad's "Prison Wall"

 Ralph Nader
The Corporate Debasement of Earth Day

 Mike Whitney
Housing Bubble Boondoggle

 Website of the Day


 April 23,

 Saul Landau

Courage to Withdraw

 Patrick Cockburn
Time of the Death Squads: Iraq as Revenge Tragedy

 Robert Fantina
Changing Sentiments

 Sam Husseini
The Gonzales Distraction

 Corporate Crime Reporter
Bought-and-Paid-For Journalism at the Philly Inquirer

 Elizabeth Lalasz
Sick and Getting Sicker

 Harvey Wasserman
Earth Day, Incorporated

 Dave Lindorff
Huge Win for Impeachment in Vermont: Are You Listening Sen. Leahy?

 Gary Leupp
Maoist Homophobia in Nepal?

 Stephen Lendman
A Short History of the Christian Right

 Website of the Day
No to OLF

April 21 / 22, 2007

 Alexander Cockburn

Back the Posse

 Fred Gardner


 Kristoffer Larsson
The Islamic Threat to Europe: By the Numbers

 Barbara Rose
Nuclear War and Its Consequences

 Manuel Garcia, Jr.
The Heart of Whiteness: Racism, Wealth and IQ

 John Scagliotti
Unlocking Closets, Locking Free Speech

 Marjorie Cohn
Gonzo Justice: Counting on Alberto

 Patrick Cockburn
Sadr Raises the Stakes

 Diana Johnstone
The Absent Middle East

 Ron Jacobs
Explaining the Spectre

 Evelyn Pringle
How Iraq Was Looted

Travesties of Justice in a Black City in Michigan: the Persecution
of Rev. Pinkney

 Paul Richards
Thinking Big in the Northern Rockies

 Dan Bacher
Zapatistas in the Colorado River Delta

 Ben Terrall
Showdown at Chevron: SF Protest Against New Iraq Oil Law

 Sherwood Ross
How the Taliban Defeated the Pakistani Army in Waziristan

 Remi Kanazi
Bill Maher's "Towel-Headed Hos"

 Aseem Shrivastava
Behind the Curtain of SEZs

 Poets' Basement
Valentine, Reed, Harley and Engel

 Website of
the Day
Reading Sappho in New Orleans


 April 20,

 Doug Peacock

of the End for the Yellowstone Grizzly?

 Diane Farsetta
Onward, Free Market Soldiers!: Privatizing Public Diplomacy

 Tom Clifford
The Surge in Iraqi Civilian Deaths: the Bloodiest 12 Months of
the War

 Amira Hass

Holocaust as Political Asset

 Nicole Colson
Desperation in Gitmo's Camp 6

 Sonja Karkar
Double Jeopardy Entraps Palestinians

 Heather Gray
The Supreme Court Looks a Lot Like the Taliban

 Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban
Syrian Expeditions

 Agustin Velloso
Spain and Iraq, Four Years On

 Matthew Koehler
Distorting the News in a Timber Company Town

 Website of
the Day
Gonzo's Monica


 April 19,

 Emad Mekay

Jim Lobe

at the World Bank: Wolfowitz's Quid Pro Quo

 Patrick Cockburn

Day of Bombs and Blood in Baghdad

 Larry C. Johnson
The Hobbesian Hell of Iraq: How Many Dead Equal a Failed Government?

 Norman Solomon
Bowing Down to Our Own Violence

 Saul Williams
Notes from a Hip Hop Head: an Open Letter to Oprah Winfrey

 Sunsara Taylor
From Iraq to the Supreme Court: a New Dark Ages for Women

 Harvey Wasserman

How Green is Tom Friedman?  (Related) 

Apologies, Incorporated

 Anthony Papa
Nightmare Behind Bars: John Valverde's Fight for Freedom

 Dave Lindorff
Betraying Thomas Jefferson

 Website of the Day
The Best Antiwar Song of the Iraq War?

 April 18,

 Lila Rajiva

Gun Laws or Fewer Idiots? How the Va Tech Administration Failed
Its Campus

 Landau / Hassen

as 17th Century Indian Chief?

 Charles Fisher

Randy Fisher
Don Imus's Firing and the Hip-Hop Culture

 Diane Christian
Facing Death Politically

 Kevin Prosen
Meeting the Resistance in Iraq

 China Hand
Gold Digging: The U.S. Treasury Department's Economic Campaign
Against North Korea

 Peter Rost,
The Strange Profits from a Re-Branded Cancer Drug

 Justin Akers Chacón

What's Inside the STRIVE Bill  (Related) 

 Jerry Kroth
Virginia Tech and Cho Seung Hui: Love and Unhappiness in an Alien

 Sherwood Ross
Massacre at Va Tech: a Brief Glimpse into Daily Life in Iraq

 Niranjan Ramakrishnan
The Bonfire of the Hannities

 Alice Cherbonnier
Why South Dakota's "Informed Consent" Law Doesn't Go
Far Enough

 Website of
the Year?
"I Hope I Die Before I Get Old"


 April 17,

 Jean Bricmont

Diana Johnstone

Elections in France: a Coming Political Tsunami

 Paul Craig

in Blacksburg

 Frida Berrigan
Militarizing the Border

 Alison Weir
The Message of PBS's "Crossroads" Series: Some Muslims
Aren't Bad

 John Walsh
Why is the Peace Movement Silent About AIPAC?

 Jason Hribal
Resistance is Futile: Emily the Cow and Tyke the Elephant

 Evelyn Pringle
The Iraq Money Trail

 Ben Terrall
Cuban Exiles Get Hero's Welcome; Haitian Refugees Get Shafted

 Stan Cox
1040s and Death Certificates

 Soren Ambrose

Crisis at the IMF

 Website of the Day
Go Ahead and Yell: "FIRE!"


 April 16,

 John F. Sugg

and Hypocrisy in the Cox Empire

 Ismael Hossein-Zadeh

Military Spending: Income Redistribution in Disguise

 Carl G. Estabrook
The Politics of the Useful Threat: It Didn't Start with the Neo-Cons

 Paul Craig Roberts
The Party of Brownshirts

 Uri Avnery
Blood on Our Hands

 Ralph Nader
Where Are the Cries of Outrage Over Military Rapes?

 Eamon McCann
Shame of the Empire: Simon, Sir Bono and Tinkerbelle

 Lee Sustar
Decoding the Democrats

 Mike Whitney
Trouble in Squanderville: Bubble People and the Faith-Based Market

 Don Fitz
Solar Capitalism?

 Stephen Lendman
Ecuador Votes for Revolutionary Change

 Website of the Day
Black Mesa Water Coalition


 April 14
/ 15, 2007

 Alexander Cockburn

Industry Whores

 Jorge Mariscal

Petraeus's Field Manual: a Traveler's Guide to Big Muddy

 Jeffrey St. Clair
The Beautiful and the Dammed: How the West Got Flooded

 Dave Marsh

Imus Affair, Hip Hop and Politics

 Dr. Trudy Bond
Shrinks, Lies and Torture: How Psychologists Became the Pentagon's

 Joe Bageant
A Feral Dog Howls in Harvard Yard

 Fidel Castro
The Terrorist Walks

 Alfredo Molano
"More Than Complicated"

 Alan Farago
When Miami Crashes

 Michael Neumann
Anglophone Fantasies and French Realities

 Fred Gardner
Barbara McNair's Unsung Heroism: Bringing Down the Owner of EST

 Ron Jacobs
A Conversation with Three Iraq Veterans Against the War

 Gail Dines
Racy Sex, Sexy Racism

 Linda Ford
Imus and Lady Hoopsters: a Long History of Bias Against Women

 Missy Beattie
What Would Imus Do?: Iraq, Ho, Ho, Ho

 Dan La Botz
Farm Labor Organizer Murdered in Mexico

 Giuliana Sgrena
The Lies of Mario Lozano

 Laura Carlsen
A Moratorium on Free Trade Agreements

 Abu Spinoza
Wolfowitz's Real Crimes

 Elizabeth Schulte
Grinding It Out with Quentin Tarantino

 Poets' Basement
Davies, Harley, Engel and Landau

 Website of
the Weekend
Vonnegut's Final Interview


 April 13,

 Patrick Cockburn

Shattering of Mosul

 Stephen Soldz

and Comfort for Torturers: Psychology and Coercive Interrogations
in Historical Perspective

 George Ciccarriello-Maher

Failed Chávez Coup: Five Years On

 Laith al-Saud
Kirkuk, Oil and the Kurds

 Dave Zirin
Memo to Imus

 John Ross
Drawing a Line in the Heartland

 Ramzy Baroud
America as Proxy

 Harvey Wasserman
The Novelist Who Hated War: Peace Be With You, Mr. Vonnegut

 Lopez, Olivo and Garcia
Columbia University's Two-Tiered Punishments

 Dols, Fukumori,
Judd and Tillett-Saks
Columbia: On the Wrong Side of Justice

 Website of the Day
Democrats: an Iraq Scorecard


 April 12,

 JoAnn Wypijewski

May be Rid of Imus, But We're Still Stuck with the Culture

 Paul Craig
Big Profits from Big Brother

 Marjorie Cohn
U.S. Attorneys and Voting Rights

 Evelyn Pringle
Bush Family War Profiteering: Will Congress Finally Cut Them

 Ron Jacobs

Bless You, Mr. Vonnegut

 Norman Solomon
The Awful Truth About Hillary, Barack and John

 Joe DeRaymond
The Release of Dennis Counterman: The Justice Game, the Alford
Plea and Death Row

 Nicola Nasser
Squeezing Palestinians into an Impossible Mission

 Nikolas Kozloff
Chile, a Country Geographically Located in South America "By

 William S.
Horatio Hornblower's Worst Nightmare

 Siegfried L. Sassoon
A Statement Against the Continuation of the War

 Website of
the Day

You Want This Killin' Done?


April 11, 2007

 R. T. Naylor

Lessons for the US: How "Wars on Terror" Should be

 Vijay Prashad

Generation of IEDs and iPods

 Patrick Cockburn
The Myth of Tal Afar

 Winslow T. Wheeler
When Will the War Money Really Run Out?

 Jack Balkwill
Prison for a Peacemaker: A Vietnam Vet Interviews Kathy Kelly

 Alan Farago
Florida's Fundamentally Weak Environmental Movement

 Russell D.
The Carbon Offset Tax is Just Another Nuke Bailout

 Peter Rost, MD
The Fine Print on Drug Industry Kickbacks

 Mike Whitney
Doomsday for the Greenback?

 Dave Lindorff
Torture and Selective Outrage

 Susie Day
Peter Pace Porks a Peck of Pinko Perverts

 Website of the Day
Save the Internet!


 April 10,

 James G. Abourezk

Syria Helped the US in the "War on Terror"-and How
Bush Said "Thanks"

 Earl Ofari
Why Imus Should be Fired-And Why He Won't Be

 Joshua Frank
Democrats for War

 Lee Sustar
How Concessions by UAW Lost Jobs

 Joseph Grosso
Tiger Woods in Dubai: Luxury and Exploitation

 Nirmal Ghosh
China and the Fate of the Tiger

 Robert Jensen
Impeach the System

 Ramzy Baroud
Not an Intellectual Squabble

 Paul Rockwell
History Will Vindicate Lt. Ehren Watada

 Mario Joseph

Brian Concannon
Solidaridad? Chávez in Haiti

 Fred Wilhelms
Why the New Royalty Rates Hurt Artists

 Website of
the Day


 April 9,

 Saul Landau


 Uri Avnery
Shalom, Shin Bet

 Nicole Colson
Sami Al-Arian's Nightmare: an Interview with Nahla Al-Arian

 Gideon Levy
Israel Does Not Want Peace

 Corporate Crime Reporter
Big Coal Invokes Reverse Nuremberg Defense

 Evelyn Pringle
The Surge in Casualties

 Hill Kemp
Mega Lessons from Iraq War, Year 5

 Martha Rosenberg

Desperate Plea: "Regulate Our Competitors!"

 Keith Rosenthal
Behind Boston's Recent "Crime Wave"

 Jane Stillwater
Green Zone Cabin Fever

 Website of the Day
Support Norman Finkelstein

April 7 / 8, 2007

 Alexander Cockburn

Dogs Don't Bleed: How Giuliani Lost America

 Sara Roy
A Jewish Plea

 Arno J. Mayer
Back to Cleopatra's Nose: Bush-Bashing and Empire's Onward March

 Jeffrey St.
In the Realm of the Grizzly Kings

 Vicente Navarro
Why Huntington and Beck Are Wrong

 Fidel Castro
Where Have All the Bees Gone? And Other Reflections on the Internationalizaton
of Genocide

 Fred Gardner
Medical News from the Business Pages

 Ralph Nader
The IRS Owes You Money

 David N. Rahni
Test Tube Zealots: American Chemical Society Purges Iranian Chemists

 Arthur Neslen
When an Anti-Semite is Not an Anti-Semite

 Pratyush Chandra
Joseph Stiglitz's "Another World"

 Missy Beattie
Enough Already! The Politics of Exasperation

 Marc Levy
A Beginner's Guide to Combat

 Poets' Basement
Reiss, Holt, Orloski and Louise

 Website of the Weekend
Reactor Man


 April 6,

 Franklin Lamb

is Hezbollah on the Terrorism List?

 Gloria La Riva
On the Case of the Cuban Five and Luis Posada Carriles

 Corporate Crime Reporter
The Politics of Coal in West Virginia

 Ron Jacobs
Good Friday, Beethoven and Patti Smith

 Felice Pace
Simon Says: The Pro-Israel Bias of NPR

 Walter Brasch
Treason in the White House?

 David Swanson
Heroes, Sung and Unsung

 Sylvia Syracuse
Roadside Rampage: Salvadoran Murders in Guatemala

April 5, 2007

 Patrick Cockburn

De Facto Hostage Exchange

 Tom Barry
The Fred Thompson Factor

 Richard W. Behan
Congressional Complicity

 Nicola Nasser
Playing US Politics with Iraqi Blood for Oil

 Bernadine Dohrn
The New and Old SDS: Convergence Not Division

 Laray Polk
Lucky Dragon: Does the World Really Need a New H-Bomb?

Lucky Dragon: Does the World  Really  Need a New H-Bomb?

 Helen Redmond
Female Chauvinist Pigs?


 April 4,

 Col. Dan Smith

You No Sense of Decency?": the Tillman Affair and the Moral
Decay of the Army

 Joshua Frank

Blood Money: Sen. Feinstein's War Profiteering

 Margaret Kimberly
Of Confessions and Torture

 Sharon Smith
Circuit City's Guinea Pigs: the Latest Trend in Corporate America

 Jeff Cohen and Norman Solomon
The Martin Luther King You Don't See on TV

 Martin Luther


 Bill Quigley
Incident at Fort Huachuca, the Army's Torture Training Center

 Dave Zirin
Picking Chicago's Pockets with the Olympics

 Evelyn Pringle
Drug Companies Want Women of Childrearing Years

 Peter Rost,
Pfizer's Puny Fine

 Website of the Day
Crash of the Honey Bees


 April 3,

 Patrick Cockburn

Bungled Plan to Kidnap Iran's Top Spook Prompted hostage Taking

 Marjorie Cohn
Coming Up Short on Habeas Corpus for Gitmo Detainees

 Brian M. Downing
The Army's Road to Iraq

 Corporate Crime

Pfizer: Praise the Criminal, Dis the Whistleblower

 Carol Norris
A Psychologist on Sexual Assault: Yes, Virginia, There is a Sollution

 Ralph Nader
Tailpipe Blues

 Dave Lindorff
I Quit: A Movement of One (Or a Maybe a Million)

 Scott Bontz
The Great Depletion

 Thomas Dolby
Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Racism and the National Anthem

 Website of
the Day
Cockburn on BookTV

April 2, 2007

 Gary Leupp

Bogus Hostage Crisis

 Uri Avnery

in the Middle East: Olmert and the Pussycat

 James Petras
Palestine: The Political Economy of a Disaster

 Norman Solomon
McCain in Baghdad: Walking in McNamara's Footsteps

 Robert Fisk
War of Humiliation

 Stanley Heller
A Neocon Looks Two Conquests Ahead: The Ravings of James Woolsey

 Sherwood Ross
How the Pentagon Cheats Iraq Vets Out of Medical Care and Disability

 Monica Benderman
On Keeping Men Alive: Report from Ft. Stewart

 Stephen Fleischman
Winners and Losers in a Dog-Eat-Dog System

 Anne McElroy
Never Mind the Mercury

 Website of the Day
Midwestern Common Sense on the War

March 31 / April 1, 2007

 Cockburn /
St. Clair

Was an Antiwar Vote?

 Fred Gardner
How Corrupt is Malcolm Gladwell? Shilling for Enron and Breast

 Greg Moses
The Pirates of Homeland Security

 Gary Leupp
300 vs. Iran (and Herodotus)

 Robert Fisk
Shakespeare and War

 Roger Morris
The Politics of the Witch Hunt

 Conn Hallinan
The Price of Fire: Oil, Water and Resistance in Bolivia

 Kristin J.
A Protocol for Death

 Jason Hribal
California's Most Unhappy Cows

 John Ross
Strange Fruit Down South

 Christopher Brauchli
Bush and the Politics of Falsehoods: If You're Going to Lie,
Lie Big

 David Underhill
War Breeds Stranger Bedfellows

 Elizabeth Schulte
The Pentagon's "Don't Ask" Disaster

 Ben Terrall
Time for Lula to Stop Doing Bush's Dirty Work in Haiti

 Missy Beattie
Guess Who Isn't Coming to Dinner: The Story of King Abdullah
and the O-Word

 Sonja Karkar
How Palestine Became Israel's Land

 Daniel Wolff
Have You Heard the News?

 David Vest
A Romanian Jazz Rebel Drops a Bomb on Paris

 Ron Jacobs
Wynton Marsalis Checks In on the Land That Never Has Been Yet

 Poets' Basement
Davies, Holt, Wigley and Landau

 Website of the Weekend
Kansas City Rocks



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8, 2007

Doctors Refuse to Recognize the Lethal Risks Serotonin


 I n addition to recent reports that the
drugs work no better than sugar pills, the latest warnings added
to the long list of adverse events linked to selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitor antidepressants have focused on birth defects,
suicide risks and violence.

 However, the massive over-prescribing
of SSRIs, including Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa and Lexapro
in combination with many other drugs now has medical experts
scrambling to educate doctors about a life-threatening condition
known as "serotonin syndrome."

 According to the report, "A
Mix of Medicines That Can Be Lethal," by Jane Brody, in
the February 27, 2007 New York Times, "with the enormous
rise in the use of serotonin-enhancing antidepressants, often
taken in combination with other drugs that also raise serotonin
levels, emergency medicine specialists are trying to educate
doctors and patients about this not-so-rare and potentially life-threatening

 According to the Times, patients
at particular risk, some experts say, are those taking a combination
of antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs prescribed to treat
resistant depression.

 Ms Brody notes that in the
March 2005 New England Journal of Medicine, two specialists,
Dr Edward Boyer of the University of Massachusetts Medical School
and Dr Michael Shannon of Children's Hospital Boston, found that
more than 85% of doctors were "unaware of the serotonin
syndrome as a clinical diagnosis."

 In a report based on calls
made to poison control centers in the US in 2002, the doctors
found 7,349 cases of serotonin toxicity and a total of 93 deaths.
In 2004, the Toxic Exposure Surveillance System identified 48,204
exposures to SSRIs that resulted in moderate or major outcomes
in 8,187 patients and death in 103 patients, according to the
September 2005 American Journal of Emergency Medicine.

 In 2005, the last year for
which statistics are available, a total of 118 deaths were reported,
according to the New York Times.

 The true incidence of serotonin
syndrome, experts say, may be under-reported in these figures
because the syndrome may be wrongly attributed to another cause,
mild cases may be dismissed or medical professionals may not
suspect the condition.

 Studies have shown that when
an expectant mother takes an SSRI, her system is flooded with
extra serotonin, which then passes across the placenta into the
womb, soaking the developing fetus in serotonin, according to
Houston Attorney Robert Kwok.

 "It is this prolonged
and unanticipated exposure to serotonin," he says, "that
our experts believe leads to the baby's birth defects. "

 Studies indicate," he
explains, "that mothers who take an SSRI during pregnancy
have 1.5 to 2 times the risk of giving birth to a baby with a
heart defect such as an atrial septal defect or ventricular septal
defect, and are 6 times more likely to give birth to a baby with
a severe and life-threatening lung disorder known as persistent
pulmonary hypertension (PPHN).

 And the cases of birth defects
are on the rise. "Our group has over 100 SSRI baby birth
defect cases in medical review," Mr Kwok states, "with
most babies bearing strikingly similar heart and lung defects."

 Mr Kwok is representing the
family of Chase Steele, a baby born with severe heart defects
after his mother took an SSRI during her pregnancy and the family
of Gavin Shore, an infant also with severe heart defects to a
mother who took the SSRI Celexa during her pregnancy.

 "You would think by now,"
Mr Kwok says, "that the FDA would ban SSRIs for children,
since the same logic applies to developing adolescents and developing
babies in the womb during pregnancy."

 Serotonergic receptors are
found throughout the central nervous system and are involved
in the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle, behavior, appetite,
temperature and muscle tone, and serotonin neurotransmission
is involved with the regulation of gastrointestinal motility
and vascular tone. Serotonin syndrome results from excessive
stimulation or agonism at postsynaptic serotonin receptors.

 According to the FDA, symptoms
of the syndrome may include restlessness, hallucinations, loss
of coordination, fast heart beat, rapid changes in blood pressure,
increased body temperature, overactive reflexes, nausea, vomiting
and diarrhea.

 The patients often have changes
in mental status, including agitation, hypervigilance and pressured
speech, and in severe cases, may present with profound hypertension
and tachycardia, and proceed rapidly to shock.

 In severe cases, patients may
exhibit delirium, seizures, muscular rigidity and hypertonicity.
A core temperature may exceed 40º C (104 F), and may be
accompanied by metabolic acidosis, rhabdomyolysis, renal failure
and disseminated intravascular coagulation.

 Experts say the most important
information for doctors to know when dealing with a possible
case of serotonin syndrome is what drugs have been ingested,
because in addition to SSRIs, there are other classes of drugs
with different mechanisms that can also increase serotonin levels
to differing degrees.

 A greater awareness of the
combinations that trigger the syndrome could lead to prevention,
but a diagnostic challenge exists due to the fact that the list
not only includes prescription drugs, but also over-the-counter
medications and herbal supplements. The following are some of
the products known to be associated with serotonin syndrome:

 Monoamine oxidase inhibitors

Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Zoloft, Prozac, Paxil,
Lexapro, Celexa)

Venlafaxine (Effexor)

Trazodone (Desyrel)

Nefazodone (Serzone)

Meperidine (Demerol)

Dextromethorphan (Cold Remedies)


Sumatriptan (Imitrex)

Atypical antipsychotic (Zyprexa, Risperdal, Seroquel)




Valproic acid (Depakene)

Linezolid (Zyvox)

St John's Wort

Ginkgo Biloba

 Many experts blame the rise
in cases of serotonin syndrome on the fact that so many different
drugs are being prescribed to patients at the same time in combinations,
or "drug cocktails," which have never been approved
as safe and effective by the FDA for any use and without considering
the over-the-counter medications that patients may be taking.

 The syndrome has become more
prevalent in children as the off-label use of drug cocktails
with children has increased. Some experts suspect serotonin syndrome
in the death of 4-year-old, Rebecca Riley in Massachusetts, on
December 13, 2006.

 Critics say the Riley case
highlights the need to put an end to the rampant off-label prescribing
of adult psychiatric drugs to children. "The general public
is unaware that almost no psychiatric drugs have ever truly been
tested for children," according to David Oaks, director
of MindFreedom, an international human rights organization.

 "All psychiatric drugging
of children," he says, "is essentially 'off label'
in the sense that doctors have an enormous range of discretion
when prescribing psychiatric drugs to young people."

 "It's time for society
to get hands-on with the mental health system," Mr Oaks
warns, "and rein in the immense tyrannical power that doctors
now have."

 The State Police investigator's
report in this case said psychiatrist Dr Kayoko Kifuji, at the
Tufts-New England Medical Center, prescribed 3 medications for
Rebecca: 750 milligrams a day of Depakote; 200 milligrams a day
of Seroquel; and .35 milligrams a day of clonidine.

 Rebecca was given Seroquel,
for bipolar disorder, a drug only approved to treat adults with
schizophrenia or bipolar, Clonidine, for attention deficit disorder,
a drug approved only to treat adults with high blood pressure,
and Depakote, an anti-convulsant drug approved to treat epilepsy
in adults.

 She was kept on this 3-drug
cocktail since she was 2 and a-half-years-old, until she was
found dead on the floor of her parent's home on December 13,
2006. At the time of her death, there were also over-the-counter
cold medications in her system including Children's Tylenol Cough
and Runny Nose, which contain acetaminophen, dextromethorphan
and chlorpheniramine.

 According to a report by investigators,
Rebecca's teachers and a school nurse repeatedly complained about
the child's extreme lethargy and how she seemed better when the
drugs wore off, and the nurse also pointed out that Rebecca did
not exhibit the kind of behavior that might justify prescribing
these types of drugs.

 A therapist who treated the
children also told investigators she was concerned about the
medications prescribed to Rebecca because she never noticed symptoms
of attention deficit or bipolar disorder.

 A state trooper's affidavit
said a Walgreen's pharmacy filled a number of clonidine prescriptions
for the Riley's when they should have had an ample supply and
that several times, Dr Kifuji approved extra pills because Carolyn
Riley said she had run out or lost her supply.

 Carolyn Riley told investigators
that Dr Kifuji had authorized the extra doses to help Rebecca
get to sleep, the affidavit said. The trooper also reported that
Dr Kifuji received calls from a therapist and a nurse at Elden
Johnson Early Childhood Center, where Rebecca was a student,
saying they were concerned about her medication.

 The affidavit shows that no
testing was conducted on Rebecca in making the diagnosis of attention
deficit or bipolar disorder and that Dr Kifuji said she diagnosed
Rebecca based on the parents' statements and "brief visits"
in her office as frequently as twice a month and as seldom as
once every two months.

 In July 2006, a social worker
treating Rebecca filed a complaint with the agency reporting
that Carolyn Riley was "neglecting her children" and
"appeared heavily drugged and unable to respond" on
one of her visits to the family home.

 The social worker said that
during one visit, Carolyn told her that urine on the floor was
from when Rebecca had taken a nap on the floor, according to
an affidavit from investigators, and the social worker said she
had to tell Carolyn to clean the floor.

 When checking out the social
worker's complaint, the DSS Commissioner said all the doctors
and a psychiatric hospital caring for one of the children in
July 2006 said the medications were appropriate and there was
no one else to consult, so the department did not substantiate
the complaint.

 The medical examiner's office
determined that Rebecca died from "intoxication due to the
combined effects" of the drugs clonidine, Depakote, dextromethorphan,
and chlorpheniramine, the district attorney's office said in
a statement.

 The official autopsy report
states that Rebecca died of the "combined effects"
of the drugs and that her lungs and heart were damaged by "prolonged
abuse of these prescription drugs, rather than one incident."

 Those findings have some experts
wondering whether the medical examiner may be a member of the
85% of doctors identified by the New England Journal of Medicine
study who are unaware of the serotonin syndrome as a clinical

 The statement released by the
DA states, "This occurred as a result of the intentional
overdose of Rebecca with clonidine," and the manner of death
"was determined to be homicide."

 Rebecca's parents have both
been charged with murdering their daughter.

 However, psychiatrist Dr Grace
Jackson, a leading authority on psychotropic drugs, takes issue
with the claim of the manner of death being homicide.

 "I'd put my money on serotonin
syndrome as the cause of death," she says, "a potentially
lethal condition of serotonin excess, leading to signs and symptoms
which include autonomic instability, heart dysrhythmias (sudden
death), hyperthermia (high fever), changes in mental status (including
possible coma), hyperreflexia, and myoclonus."

 "In this case," Dr
Jackson says, "the primary culprits were dextromethorphan
and chlorpheniramine, an antihistamine which also boosts serotonin

 "It is probably quite
likely," she explains, "that the family had not been
warned by any doctor or pharmacist that this combination of medications
could cause death ­ particularly, in a toddler."

 "It is also possible,"
she adds, "that the psychiatrist did not realize that the
family was administering dextromethorphan to the child --- it
might have been given from an over-the-counter cough remedy by
unsuspecting parents."

 Dr Jackson also notes that
Depakote has been shown to increase levels of serotonin in many
brain regions, "hence," she says, "it was factor
#3 in the serotonin syndrome which presumably killed this child."

 "This toddler," she
explains, "may have been receiving tiny doses of the medications
prescribed, but that did not protect her from serotonin syndrome."

 Reports by investigators, based
on interviews of relatives in the home who observed Rebecca in
the days before she died, describe symptoms typical of serotonin
syndrome. They said she became restless, disorientated, incoherent,
would not respond to her name and that she appeared dazed and
"out of it."

 She was lethargic at school
and at home, and a neighbor described her as zombie-like, according
to interviews in an affidavit filed in Plymouth District Court.

 The day before she died, Rebecca
developed a fever and was coughing uncontrollably, so her parents
went to Wal-Mart to buy cold and flu medicine. While at Wal-Mart,
Rebecca began to vomit, so Carolyn Riley purchased Pedialyte
and a plastic bowl for Rebecca to vomit in during the ride home,
and she reportedly vomited about 5 times over the course of that

 Rebecca's grandmother told
reporters that the doctor never told the parents not to give
her the over-the-counter cold medications now listed as contributing
to her death because of the prescription drugs she was on.

 Dr Jackson suspects that Rebecca
­ like so many patients ­ was the unwitting victim of
"Evidence Based Psychiatry," which means drug, drug,
and more drug, because "somebody, somewhere, published a
study that showed a three year old responded to five or six or
seven drugs in combination," she states.

 Dr Jackson is the author of,
"Rethinking Psychiatric Drugs: A Guide for Informed Consent,"
a book that provides a critical appraisal of 3 classes of psychiatric
drugs that an estimated 20% of Americans consume on a regular
basis, including antidepressants, antipsychotics and stimulants.

 According to Harvard Instructor
Dr John Abramson, author of, "Overdosed America," this
"gruesome story" seems to have two separate and distinct
components. "First," he says, "is the question
of whether or not the child was being given medication as it
was prescribed."

 "And the second,"
he notes, "is the question of why such medicines were prescribed
for such a young child."

 Dr Abraham points out that
there has been a progressive medicalization of other than desirable
behaviors in children. "We have seen this in the enormous
proliferation of stimulant medication use," he notes, "far
out of proportion to use in other countries."

 Now, he says, the diagnosis
of bipolar disorder in children is rising in parallel, and clearly,
it is the drug industry driving this medicalization to sell more

 In what can only be described
as assembly-line customer recruitment, Rebecca's psychiatrist,
Dr Kifuji, also prescribed the same powerful drug cocktail to
Rebecca's older brother and sister when they were diagnosed with
the same illnesses several years earlier.

 The Rileys' attorneys say the
parents are unsophisticated people who did not question the doctor.
Michael Riley's lawyer, John Darrell, told the Boston Globe on
February 7, 2007, that neither parent knew enough treatment to
have challenged Kifuji. "You've got two poor parents here
of minor means financially, of minor education," he said.

 A reading of all the official
reports and court documents in this case definitely indicate
that be true.

 As so often happens with families
like the Riley's, who are covered by public health care programs,
and with the great assistance of Dr Kifuji, the entire Riley
family become a cash cow for the psychiatric-pharmaceutical industry,
including the mother and father.

 Another incentive certainly
worth noting is the potential monthly income Dr Kifuji generated
for herself by the legal pill-pushing to the Riley family. A
2003 study by the American Psychiatric Association found doctors
could earn about $263 an hour for holding three 15-minute medication
management sessions per hour, compared to about $156 for a single
therapy session. That represents an hourly pay cut of 41% for
doctors doing therapy only, the APA study said.

 Critics say more blame should
be focused on the prescribing doctors. "While the pharmaceutical
companies certainly are getting rich providing mind-altering
drugs for psychiatry's made-up mental disorders, the fault lies
with the psychiatric community," says Kelly Patricia O'Meara,
author of "PSYCHED OUT: How Psychiatry Sells Mental Illness
and Pushes Pills That Kill".

 "Until the fraud of psychiatric
diagnosing is exposed," Ms O'Meara warns, "the American
people will continue to hear about more and more of these tragic

 And it always goes back to
the chicken and the egg theory. Was there an epidemic in this
family where all 5 family members were so severely mentally ill?
Or did the psychiatric-pharmaceutical industry convert them into
life-long disabled customers through the administration of a
powerful drug cocktail for years on end?

 According to Dr Ann Blake Tracy,
Director of International Coalition for Drug Awareness, and author
of "Prozac: Panacea or Pandora?", she expects a person
placed on one of these drug cocktails to be on disability within
a 3- to 5-year window of time.

 "And for a decade and
a half," she says, "she has been trying to figure out
how our economy will survive the skyrocketing disability rates."

 The chicken and the egg theory
arises a second time in this case when reviewing the allegations
lodged against the parents. Were the bizarre behaviors of the
parents cited in official reports and the media the result of
ignorance, bad parenting or a wish to harm Rebecca? Or were the
behaviors in fact brought on by the combination of drugs the
parents were ingesting?

 "Naturally," Ms O'Meara
notes, "one has to wonder that if the entire family was
being 'treated' for their alleged mental illnesses, why then
didn't the drugs work?"

 Dr Tracy says, "Is it
absolutely possible that some of the alleged behaviors of the
parents in this family could have been caused by the prescribed
drugs they were taking."

 She explains that the hypothesis
behind these psychiatric drugs is backwards, meaning they often
end up causing the conditions that they were prescribed to treat.

 Leonard Frank, author of "Zyprexa:
A Prescription for Diabetes, Disease and Early Death", concurs.
"Psychiatrists and other physicians," he explains,
"prescribe drugs in attempt to suppress objectionable conduct
but the drugs often make the conduct even more objectionable,
in which event the prescription is changed."

 Then he explains, one drug
may be substituted for another, or one or more drugs may be added
to the mix, or the dosage may be decreased, or more likely increased,
and this process may go on endlessly, he says.

 Following Rebecca's death,
the Department of Social Services placed the other two Riley
children, Kaitlynne 6, and Gerald 11, in foster care and sought
an independent opinion on their medical care, and doctors determined
that their medication needed to be changed.

 Persons injured by Serotonin
Syndrome and seeking legal advice can contact the Robert Kwok
& Associates Law Firm, at (713) 773-3380;  (Related) 

 Evelyn Pringle  can be reached at:  (Related) 

 (This article is written as
part of a series on emerging issues involving the pharmaceutical
industry and is sponsored by Robert Kwok & Associated, LLP)



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