Sunday, June 3, 2007


 Purplexity: Garden Pictures
 Monday, June 04, 2007
Garden Pictures  (Related) 

 The moon is waning gibbous, so apparently the camera, the batteries and the computer have decided to mostly work and I can now bring you photos of the garden and plants.

 Here's the front yard from the side:

 And from the front: (I would have taken a single photo, but the sun was pointing right at me, so I got closer to the house and took two.)

 And here are a lot heap of plants in pots:

 Here is our "herb garden" as it currently stands. Benji's parsley and my corriander:

 And these are the two Callistemon citrinus "Purple Cloud"s I bought yesterday.

 They  will  be pretty and they should hide the neighbours house behind us quite nicely.


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