Saturday, July 7, 2007


 Jack Cafferty |


 Jack Cafferty
Liberal Ruling Reversed; Year Ago, Media Celebrated 'Major Defeat' for Bush  (Related)  Posted by Rich Noyes  (Related)   on July 6, 2007 - 13:51.
 A federal appeals court today overturned a Carter-appointed
judge's opinion last August that the National Security Agency's terrorist
surveillance program, dubbed by opponents as "domestic spying," was unconstitutional.
Eleven months ago, the media latched on to the decision as a "major legal
defeat" for the Bush administration, with CNN's Jack Cafferty crowing
about how the decision proved "President Bush violated his oath of office,
among other things, when he swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States."

 Both ABC and MSNBC hosted constitutional lawyer Jonathan
Turley, who suggested the President should be impeached as a result of the

CNN’s Velshi Takes Shots at GOP, Oil Firms  (Related)  Posted by Dan Gainor  (Related)   on June 22, 2007 - 15:31.

 The energy debate on the Hill could help determine policy and prices for decades. Just don’t expect CNN to report it in a fair way  (Related)  .

 Instead, you get Ali Velshi, the ‘American Morning’ business reporter, taking swipes at energy companies and the Republican Party. While the GOP stopped plans for a new tax to pay for more Democratic goodies, Velshi said the Republican wasn’t “particularly sound.”

 That’s OK, he also complained that the oil companies are “getting off free.” Apparently, Velshi, not always known for math accuracy  (Related)  , needs a tune-up when it comes to taxes. Oil companies paid an estimated $48.36 billion in income taxes in 2004. They also collect a similar number in excise taxes for Uncle Sugar.

CNN’s Jack Cafferty Blames President Bush For Hamas Takeover of Gaza  (Related)  Posted by Noel Sheppard  (Related)   on June 16, 2007 - 17:11.

 On Thursday, Instapundit’s Glenn Reynolds was curious  (Related)   how quickly Israel would be blamed for Hamas’ activities in Gaza, with the answer expeditiously coming from the Boston Globe  (Related)  .

 Well, CNN’s Jack Cafferty one-upped the Globe Friday by actually blaming Hamas' takeover of Gaza on – wait for it! – President George W. Bush.

 Color me unsurprised.

 In his normal spot on CNN’s “The Situation Room,” Cafferty exhibited some of the most extraordinary Bush Derangement Syndrome yet as he blamed every problem in the Middle East on the current White House (video available here  (Related)  ):

The NewsBusters Weekly Recap: June 9 to 15  (Related)  Posted by Scott Whitlock  (Related)   on June 16, 2007 - 10:15.

The Networks ‘Lame’ Argument  (Related) 

 On June 12, all three morning shows parroted DNC talking points and declared President Bush a "lame duck." "Good Morning America" solemnly noted that the phrase would likely follow Bush throughout his trip to Capitol Hill. (Apparently this is the theory that if the networks say something enough, everyone will believe it.)

Please Don’t Be Mad  (Related) 

 Speaking of "Good Morning America," co-anchor Chris Cuomo conducted a groveling interview with Michael Moore in which he backtracked from calling the liberal filmmaker’s new movie a stunt. "Look, I like the stunt," he corrected.

Sorry, Jack  (Related) 

 Apparently CNN’s Jack Cafferty is having a Vietnam flashback. He recently lemented that anti-war protestors aren’t "tearing up college campuses."

The NewsBusters Weekly Recap: June 2 to 8  (Related)  Posted by Scott Whitlock  (Related)   on June 9, 2007 - 07:38.

"What Isn’t His Fault?"  (Related) 

 On Wednesday’s "Situation Room," liberal anchor Jack Cafferty argued that, perhaps, it's President Bush, not Vladimir Putin, who is attempting to reignite the Cold War. However, Cafferty might want to consider the fact that fewer pesky journalists seem to mysteriously disappear in the United States than they do in Russia.

A Left Wing GOP? That’s the Ticket to Success!  (Related) 

 During this week’s Republican debate, CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer had a suggestion for the national GOP: Be more like liberal Arnold Schwarzenegger. Now, this is an idea he’s peddled  four times  since the midterm elections. Isn’t it sweet when left-wing journalists offer advice to the Republican Party?

"You Just KNEW This Was Coming"  (Related) 

 Speaking of liberal cable hosts, Keith Olbermann suggested this week that the unraveling of a terror plot at JFK airport was politically timed to help the Bush administration. Yes, Keith, and the Paris Hilton media soap opera is a cover by the White House to distract from the immigration debacle.

CNN's Cafferty Laments Lack of Anti-War Protesters 'Tearing up College Campuses'  (Related)  Posted by Brad Wilmouth  (Related)   on June 9, 2007 - 00:15.

 On Friday's  The Situation Room , CNN's Jack Cafferty used his regular "Cafferty File" segment to attack President Bush for not reappointing Joint Chiefs Chairman Peter Pace out of fear of a tough confirmation hearing, tagging it a "gutless" decision. At about 5:08 p.m., as Cafferty set up his regular question of the hour about what it would take to end the war in Iraq, he lashed out at the absence of greater outrage from the American people, and suggested that American troops have "died for nothing" as he seemed to wish for the kind of protests of the Vietnam War era, which included "students tearing up college campuses," to happen again. Cafferty: "When it was going this poorly in Vietnam, Americans were in the streets demanding to be heard. Students were tearing up college campuses in an effort to head off being sent away to die for nothing. But not this time -- 3,503 U.S. troops have been killed in Iraq, and nobody does anything. ... It's no wonder the Bush White House gets away with this stuff." (Transcript follows)

CNN's Cafferty Cites Gorbachev Attack on US 'Arrogance,' Is Bush 'Reigniting Cold War'?  (Related)  Posted by Brad Wilmouth  (Related)   on June 7, 2007 - 05:30.

 On Wednesday's  The Situation Room  on CNN, during his regular "Cafferty File" segment, Jack Cafferty quoted Mikhail Gorbachev's recent attack on the Bush Administration in which the former Soviet leader accused the U.S. of "arrogance" and of having "lost credibility" in response to President Bush's plans to deploy a missile defense system in Europe. Cafferty asked viewers to email him with a response to the question of whether Bush was "reigniting the Cold War with Russia." Cafferty: "This is just swell, don't you think? We've got trouble with Russia now, which we haven't had for a number of years. The question is this: Is President Bush reigniting the Cold War with Russia?" (Transcript follows)

Media's Warning This Memorial Day: Step Away from the Grill  (Related)  Posted by Julia A. Seymour  (Related)   on May 23, 2007 - 14:47.

 If you were planning on a backyard barbeque  (Related)   this Memorial Day weekend, the media want you to cancel it. Unless of course, boiled tofu is on the menu.

 Grilling, steaks, chicken, burgers, hot dogs, not to mention most of the other fixins’ are just too bad for you or the environment according to journalists.

 We can’t broil and grill anymore?” replied “Today” co-host Ann Curry after a nutritionist said grilling is dangerous. She was talking to Joy Bauer, who said people need to avoid salty foods, grilling, frying and whole milk dairy products.

Missing Bush Documents: Another Jack Cafferty-Endorsed Conspiracy Theory  (Related)  Posted by Matthew Balan  (Related)   on April 13, 2007 - 18:50.

 In 1998, CNN was convinced that congressional oversight of the Clinton administration was a problem, and congressman Dan Burton was a harsh zealot with an unglued personality.  (Related)   Fast forward to 2007, and Jack Cafferty finds the president is the zealot, and the investigating congressmen and journalists are heroes.

 On Friday’s Situation Room, CNN commentator Cafferty was doing publicity for the Bush-hating site, reciting some of the many quotes blogger Glenn Greenwald collected  (Related)   from a variety of liberal media sources, such as the New York Times, Newsweek, NPR, and the Associated Press. These quotes from news articles "tend to suggest a pattern," as Cafferty put it, of missing documents and e-mails with the Bush administration. Among the circumstances which Greenwald pulled up quotes for are the Abu Ghraib controversy, the case of suspected terrorist Jose Padilla (pronounced "Patilla" by Cafferty), the supposed gaps in President Bush’s service in the Texas Air National Guard record, and Hurricane Katrina. After presenting many of Greenwald’s collected quotes, Cafferty asked viewers if they think there’s a pattern, and compared it to a " compost heap... the more stuff you pile on it, the greater the odor that emanates from it ."

TownHall Vlogger's Take on the 20th Anniversary Gala  (Related)  Posted by Ken Shepherd  (Related)   on March 30, 2007 - 17:41.

 TownHall blogger/vlogger Mary Katharine Ham and trusty sidekick Katie Favazza  (Related)   attended our 20th Anniversary Gala and DisHonors Awards ceremony last night. They produced a special MRC Gala edition of the HamNation vlog showing the highlights of the evening.

 You can find Ham's blog post with video here  (Related)  .

 You can visit Ham's YouTube page for video here  (Related)  .

MRC DisHonors Awards Recap  (Related)  Posted by NB Staff  (Related)   on March 30, 2007 - 12:15.

 Last Night the MRC hosted its 20th Anniversary Gala  (Related)  , featuring the ever-popular
DisHonors Awards  (Related)  Dis . The  Dis Honors mockingly award liberal media fixtures for the worst incidents of bias or buffoonery in the mainstream media from the year prior. This year was no exception.

 Below are a list of the award categories and
their winners. They link to the MRC pages containing the worst of the
worst in media bias from 2006.

 God, I Hate America Award

Sulzberger, Jr.,  New York Times publisher, for his May 21, 2006
graduation address in which he apologized to SUNY-New Paltz graduates
that they were "graduating into an America fighting a misbegotten war
in a foreign land."
CNN's Blitzer Hypes Hagel's Bush Impeachment Talk  (Related)  Posted by Brad Wilmouth  (Related)   on March 27, 2007 - 23:16.

 Inspired by an  Esquire  magazine interview in which Republican Senator Chuck Hagel mentioned the possibility that some of President Bush's critics may push impeachment at some point, CNN's Wolf Blitzer devoted considerable time on Monday's  The Situation Room  to discussing the significance of Hagel's impeachment talk, remarking that "it's not good for President Bush, to put it bluntly." Blitzer characterized impeachment talk as "a little bit louder" and, after Democratic Senator Chris Dodd, appearing as a guest, showed disinterest in a Bush impeachment, Blitzer still clung to the possibility, characterizing Dodd's words as "leaving the door slightly open," and remarking, "What I'm hearing is you're not completely ruling it out." (Transcript follows)

Cafferty Claims Bush Would Use Detaining of British Soldiers as Pretext to Invade Iran  (Related)  Posted by Scott Whitlock  (Related)   on March 27, 2007 - 17:00.

 According to CNN’s Jack Cafferty, President Bush would jump at the opportunity to use the kidnapping of 15 British soldiers as a pretext to invade Iran. On the Monday edition of "Situation Room," Cafferty asserted that he hoped U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair doesn’t ask George W. Bush to join a coalition of the willing whose goal it is to free the captives.

 Jack Cafferty: "Let’s hope British Prime Minister Tony Blair doesn’t ask the United States to join a coalition of the willing to invade Iran and get its hostages back.  My feeling is President Bush would be on that like a bird on a worm. "

 The CNN host also saw scary implications in the fact that the U.S. Navy is just off the coast of Iran:

CNN's Blitzer, Cafferty Regret Minimum Wage Hike Not Retroactive  (Related)  Posted by Brad Wilmouth  (Related)   on March 20, 2007 - 00:10.

 On Monday's  The Situation Room , CNN's Wolf Blitzer and Jack Cafferty expressed frustration that the Democratic Congress has not yet passed a minimum wage increase, even lamenting that the increase could not be made retroactive.

 After Blitzer seemed to seriously ask if the minimum wage increase could be made retroactive to November, Cafferty rhetorically exclaimed that it should be "retroactive to ten years ago."

 Blitzer: "I guess they can't make the increase in the minimum wage retroactive to back November, huh, Jack?"

 Cafferty: "They ought to make it retroactive to ten years ago. That's the last time anybody addressed these folks."

 Blitzer: "Don't hold your breath on that one." (Transcript follows)

CNN's Cafferty Calls Alberto Gonzales 'Glorified Waterboy' and 'Weasel'  (Related)  Posted by Brad Wilmouth  (Related)   on March 15, 2007 - 23:43.

 Catching up on an item from Monday's  The Situation Room  on CNN, which has already been covered by conservative talk radio host Mark Levin  (Related)  , CNN's Jack Cafferty condescendingly labeled Attorney General Alberto Gonzales as a "glorified waterboy for the White House" as he called for Gonzales to resign over the controversial firing of U.S. attorneys. After asking viewers to email him with their thoughts, Cafferty further called Gonzales a "weasel." Cafferty: "If you look up the word weasel in the dictionary, Wolf, you'll see Alberto Gonzales' picture there."

 Below is a complete transcript of Cafferty's comments on Alberto Gonzales from the March 12  The Situation Room  on CNN:

CNN’s Cafferty: Bush Sees Constitution as an Inconvenience for His Agenda  (Related)  Posted by Scott Whitlock  (Related)   on March 6, 2007 - 19:03.

 During Tuesday’s "Situation Room," Jack Cafferty used the conviction  (Related)   of a former aide to Vice President Cheney as a springboard for wild attacks against George W. Bush. According to the CNN correspondent, a decision by the President to pardon Lewis "Scooter" Libby would be symptomatic of  "an administration that has come to view things like the Constitution and the nation’s laws as inconveniences that only serve to get in the way of their agenda."

 Cafferty, who once giddily joked about Karl Rove being indicted  (Related)   in the CIA leak case, also furiously speculated about just who Lewis Libby is "protecting":

 Jack Cafferty: "Remember this?"

 George W. Bush (file footage): "America wants somebody to restore honor and dignity to the White House. That’s what America is looking for."

 Cafferty: "That’s an interesting clip in light of today’s conviction of Vice President Cheney’s former top advisor Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby.  He was found guilty on four of five counts against him and they all had to do with lying and obstructing justice when it came to details about Valerie Plame’s identity. Why would he lie? Who was he protecting? We’ll probably never know the answer to that."

Did CNN Reporter Make Fun of Bush's Intelligence and Success?  (Related)  Posted by Lynn Davidson  (Related)   on February 19, 2007 - 17:35.

 Many of any president's detractors like to joke about his supposed flaws, such as, say...stupidity,but other than people like Jack Cafferty, Lou Dobbs, Keith Olbermann and William Arkin  (Related)  , when the media are on the record, they are usually able to keep blatant bashing largely under wraps, although sometimes, the ugliness shines through. CNN's weekend business-related show,  In The Money  is no exception, and indulged a bit and belittled an unnamed president. Normally the curmudgeonly Cafferty, the  In The Money's  headliner, is the one voicing his displeasure  (Related)   with a certain president, but that weekend, the show managed to uphold tradition without him. February 18th, CNN ran a special edition of  In The Money  without Cafferty called "Uncovering America," which was instead hosted by Carol Costello, Allen Wastler and Jennifer Westhoven and covered workplace diversity and why "diversity in business is taking so long to sink in."

  Correspondent Jennifer Rogers focused on recent studies which state that certain physical attributes, such as height, lighter skin-tone, beauty or a slender body shape correlate to higher salaries. Steven Landsburg, from the University of Rochester, said that taller people make more money than shorter Americans in the same jobs with similar qualification, education and experience, and that height is worth about $1000 per inch. At the end of the segment, the hosts and panelists were wrapping up and participating in the standard, “Wow! What amazing information we brought you! Here’s a little joke about it” banter that all news shows engage in between segments. When reporter Rogers replied to Costello questioning the theory about height and success, she unintentionally gave the viewers a peek into her psyche and her opinion of one or more of the presidents. To further explain the theory, and validate the premise, Rogers referred to “multiple studies” and loweres the mask:

CNN’s Cafferty Draws Moral Equivalence Between Iran and United States  (Related)  Posted by Scott Whitlock  (Related)   on February 12, 2007 - 18:50.

 During the Monday edition of the "Situation Room," Jack Cafferty  (Related)   discussed U.S. allegations that Iraqi militants are killing American soldiers with weapons provided by Iran  (Related)  . At the conclusion of the "Cafferty File" segment, the CNN host engaged in the always reliable media tradition of moral equivalence, comparing Iran’s action to U.S. support of Afghan rebels in the 1980s  (Related)  . Apparently, the fact that America was opposing the brutal Russian regime, whereas, in this case, Iran is the oppressive entity, makes no difference. Cafferty and "Situation Room" host Wolf Blitzer also exhibited skepticism about the United State’s timing in making these accusations:

 Jack Cafferty: "So here is the question: ‘When it comes to Iran’s alleged involvement in Iraq, who do you believe?’ E-mail your thoughts to or go to  Reminiscent, Wolf, of the war in Afghanistan, when Russia invaded. It seems to me we were– The United States was supplying weapons and intelligence and things like that to the Afghan rebels."

 Wolf Blitzer: "The Mujahideen, a lot. Through the CIA, through the Saudis, Those shoulder-fired missiles which brought down a lot of Soviet helicopters."

 Cafferty:  "So, that was okay but it's not okay if Iran-- I'm, I’m confused, Wolf."

 Blitzer: "Well, you know, later we will talk to Michael Ware about the timing, why the U.S. is releasing all this information right now since it's been out there at least for a year, maybe two."

CNN’s Cafferty Accuses Bush of 'Crimes'; Attacks Dems For Going Easy on President  (Related)  Posted by Scott Whitlock  (Related)   on January 4, 2007 - 17:52.

 Proving that he can be just as hard on Democrats as Republicans, CNN’s Jack Cafferty savaged the Democratic Party--for going easy on George Bush. Appearing on Thursday’s edition of "The Situation Room," the veteran journalist slammed Dems in Congress for stating that they won’t impeach the President, for refusing to cut funding for Iraq, and generally not standing up to Bush. According to Cafferty, this makes them " no better than the people committing these crimes. "

 The CNN host began by lamenting the agenda of the incoming Democrats:

 Jack Cafferty: "But the Democrats are focused on raising the minimum wage. That’s fine, I guess.  They’ve already said they won’t impeach President Bush. They’ve already said they won’t cut funding for the war. And several Democrats are hedging on the issue of independent ethics oversight of Congress. Gee, we don’t need that, do you?...If the Democratic Party refuses to confront this administration in a meaningful way on the issues that are threatening the very survival of our nation, then they’re no better than the people committing these crimes."

Bozell Column: The Worst Bleats of the Year  (Related)  Posted by Brent Bozell  (Related)   on December 20, 2006 - 23:40.

 It’s amazing that as the 20th century escapes from our rear view mirror, some hippie liberals are still recycling their Sixties angst. For God’s sakes, it’s almost 2007. Can’t someone graduate from college without a baby boomer commencement speaker pulling out a handkerchief over the sorry state of the world since the idealists shook their last tambourine on the Ed Sullivan Show?

 The guilt-soaked commencement address was a common theme as 58 judges put on their reading glasses to select the Media Research Center’s “Best of Notable Quotables,” the annual compendium of very real press inanities. The “Quote of the Year” was awarded to New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger, Jr. In a May 21 speech to graduates in New Paltz, New York, Junior poured out his apologies for the sorry state of the world passed on to the new graduates by negligent baby boomers.

The NewsBusters Weekly Recap: December 9 to 15  (Related)  Posted by Scott Whitlock  (Related)   on December 15, 2006 - 12:03.

 You might think the media, given the fact that they helped engineer a Democratic victory in the midterms, and that it’s almost Christmas (sorry, Holiday), would ease their assault on President Bush. And you would be wrong. "Hardball" host Chris Matthews recently remarked that President Bush is demonstrating "messianic nuttiness  (Related)  ." CNN’s Jack Cafferty  (Related)   finds it "strange" that Democrats aren’t racing to impeach President Bush.

 Over on MSNBC, the reliably biased Keith Olbermann has become completely unhinged  (Related)  . On December 9, he smeared Bush as "authoritarian" and the "worst ever" president. But, Keith, do you like him or not?

 On CBS, "Evening News" host Katie Couric  (Related)   labeled Bush’s new poll numbers "devastating" and "stunning."

 But not all politicians are bad, especially those with that "D" next to their names. Long time ABC reporter Barbara Walters named Nancy Pelosi  (Related)   the "most fascinating person of 2006." And, no, the network did not bestow a similar honor on Newt Gingrich in 1994. "The Los Angeles Times" provided an even more glowing description, calling the San Francisco Congresswoman an "American Everywoman  (Related)  ."

Dennis Kucinich: A Fan of Cafferty’s Comment that Iraq is a ‘Hell Hole’  (Related)  Posted by Scott Whitlock  (Related)   on December 12, 2006 - 18:52.

 Ever wonder who the constituency of CNN reporter Jack Cafferty is? Apparently one member of his fan club is far left Democratic Congressman, and 2008 presidential aspirant, Dennis Kucinich. During the Tuesday edition of “The Situation Room,”  Cafferty delivered another angry diatribe, labeling Iraq a “hell hole” and, once again  (Related)  , calling the Fox News Channel “the F-word network.”  In his “Cafferty File” segment, the CNN reporter discussed the President’s decision to delay any announcements on Iraq. His comments certainly did not esape the attention of Kucinich (video here  (Related)  ):

CNN’s Cafferty on Dems Rejecting Push to Impeach Bush: ‘Strange’  (Related)  Posted by Scott Whitlock  (Related)   on December 11, 2006 - 18:32.

 Jack Cafferty, a vociferously anti-Bush  (Related)   CNN contributor, on Monday spoke approvingly of an impeachment bill introduced by outgoing Congresswoman, and fellow Bush hater, Cynthia McKinney. He found it "strange" that, unlike McKinney, so many Democrats are unwilling to consider impeachment. What’s strange is that Cafferty would cite McKinney as a rational source of information. This is, after all, a woman who previously wondered if President Bush knew  (Related)   about 9/11 before it happened, attacked a Capitol Hill police officer and whose supporters blamed Jews  (Related)   for the Congresswoman’s 2006 primary defeat:

 Jack Cafferty: "... Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney introduced a bill to impeach President Bush. It’s strictly symbolic and has no chance of going anywhere. She lost her congressional seat and is on her way back to civilian life.  But McKinney isn’t the only person who thinks President Bush may have done things that rise to the levels of high crimes and misdemeanors.  And yet, the incoming House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, has said that impeachment of the President is, quote, ‘off the table.’ It’s all kind of strange."

CNN’s Cafferty: Arrogant Bush Should Stop Opposing Democrats  (Related)  Posted by Scott Whitlock  (Related)   on November 17, 2006 - 18:26.

 What’s the definition of bipartisanship? According to CNN’s Jack Cafferty, it’s completely supporting the Democratic agenda. On the Friday edition of "The Situation Room," the CNN host complained that  President Bush, whose "arrogance" he decries,  had the temerity to re-nominate John Bolton as UN Ambassador and still supports the terrorist surveillance program:

 Jack Cafferty: "After the Republicans got the stuffing knocked out of them in the midterms last week, President Bush wanted to make nice. So he had these little sit-downs with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, the new powers in Congress, and talked about how they were all just going to get along. That tired old phrase bipartisanship was heard over and over again, as it always is after somebody get’s dusted up at the ballot box.... And as proof that [Bush's] arrogance was not lost in the election, he wants Congress to pass legislation legalizing the NSA spy program, the one that’s already been ruled illegal by a federal judge.  That’s not going to happen either. Great idea though, right?  You do something illegal, you just get your toadies in Congress to pass a law saying that it’s legal. Same thing they did with the violations of the Geneva Conventions."

Rumsfeld's Out; Media Losing a Favorite Punching Bag  (Related)  Posted by Rich Noyes  (Related)   on November 8, 2006 - 18:42.

 With Donald Rumsfeld now on his way out as Secretary of Defense, some liberal media types are undoubtedly grinning from ear to ear, for they have made their antipathy to Rumsfeld very well known. Just on Monday, for example, CNN’s Jack Cafferty blasted Rumsfeld as “an obnoxious jerk and a war criminal.” Back in August, MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann slammed Rumsfeld as a fascist and a “quack.”

 But reporters have been distressed by Rumsfeld since before the war in Iraq. A few examples of the liberal media’s anti-Rumsfeld attitude:

 Upset by Talk of Old Europe.  “Secretary Rumsfeld...has dismissively referred to France and Germany as ‘Old Europe,’ and today, Secretary Powell, who warned France not to be ‘afraid’ of its responsibilities. Is that the rhetoric of a great power, and is that really the most effective way of building alliances?”

CNN Host Slams Iraq as a War For Oil; Wonders if President was Actually Elected  (Related)  Posted by Scott Whitlock  (Related)   on November 7, 2006 - 18:25.

 CNN’s Jack Cafferty  (Related)  , who recently called Donald Rumsfeld a war criminal, chose Election Day to accuse the President of going to war in Iraq for oil and of condoning torture. He also  wondered if George Bush was "elected at all."  A transcript of the November 7 "Cafferty File" segment is below:

 4:15pm EDT

 Wolf Blitzer: "Jack Cafferty is here with ‘The Cafferty File.’ Jack?"

 Jack Cafferty: "Thank you, Wolf. However today’s election turns out, it’s a safe bet it’s going to be a good long while before anyone successfully pedals a neo-conservative agenda to the American electorate again.  George Bush was elected twice by the thinnest of margins, if, in fact, he was elected at all .

CNN Host Smears Rumsfeld as ‘an Obnoxious Jerk and a War Criminal’  (Related)  Posted by Scott Whitlock  (Related)   on November 6, 2006 - 18:37.

 CNN’s Jack Cafferty chose the day before the election to morph into a complete Daily-Kos/left wing clone.  He slammed Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld as "an obnoxious jerk and a war criminal."  The comments, made in reference to an editorial in the ‘Military Times’ newspapers, came during the 4pm hour of Monday’s "Situation Room." A transcript of the November 6 segment, which began at 4:11pm with Cafferty reading from the editorial, is below:

 Jack Cafferty: "‘The time has come, Mr. President, to face the hard, bruising truth. Donald Rumsfeld must go.’ That is a quote from an editorial in this week’s ‘Military Times’ newspapers. The independent publications owned by Gannett, include ‘The Army Times,’ ‘The Navy Times,’ ‘Air Force Times,’ and ‘Marine Corps Times.’ The piece goes on to say, quote, ‘Rumsfeld has lost credibility with the uniformed leadership, with the troops, with Congress and with the public at large. His strategy has failed, and his ability to lead is compromised. And although the blame for our failures in Iraq rests with the Secretary, it will be the troops who bear its brunt.’  They didn’t even mention that he’s also an obnoxious jerk and a war criminal.

Cafferty Indicates Bush Deserves Impeachment, Showcases 'Amazing 98%' Who Agree  (Related)  Posted by Brent Baker  (Related)   on November 2, 2006 - 23:23.

 CNN's Jack Cafferty listed a litany of supposed Bush misdeeds and how Bill Clinton “was impeached for telling a lie” before posing his “Cafferty File” question in the 7pm EST hour of Thursday's The Situation Room  (Related)  The Situation Room : “If the Republicans lose the election Tuesday, what should happen to President Bush?” Naturally, Cafferty's strong suggestion that President George W. Bush deserves the same generated matching e-mails, yet Cafferty expressed astonishment: “It's amazing. 98 percent of the ones that I read -- and I looked at several hundred of them -- said impeach him....There's a lot of anger out there over what this man's done."

 Cafferty had charged: “This President has pulled off a power grab in the name of the war on terror the likes of which this country hasn't seen in a very long time. And in the process, people who are a lot smarter than I am suggest that he has broken this nation's laws over and over and over again. From invading a sovereign nation without provocation to torturing prisoners to the NSA spy program, to holding people without a right to a court hearing or a lawyer, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.” Amongst the e-mails Cafferty read, one declared: “Of course George Bush deserves to be impeached, and he should also be thrown in jail.” Another writer recommended: “He should be 'legally' water-boarded until he can recite the Bill of Rights and define habeas corpus.”

CNN's Jack Cafferty: 'One Can Only Hope' Kerry Story Fades  (Related)  Posted by Michael M. Bates  (Related)   on November 1, 2006 - 01:14.

 This evening's 7:00 PM "The Situation Room" included this exchange among Paula Zahn, Jack Cafferty and Wolf Blitzer  (Related)  :

 CAFFERTY: Well, listen, it's tailor-made for the media. We get so sick and tired of, you know, running sound bytes of the candidates that when somebody comes along and does something that's even this much out of ordinary, we pounce on it like cats on a mouse and drag it around until it's dismembered on the living room floor.

 ZAHN: Will it be dismembered by election night is the question, Jack Cafferty.

 CAFFERTY: If we have our way with it, it will be.

 BLITZER: I'm sure there'll be something else that will pop up between and probably an hour from now.

 CAFFERTY: One can only hope.

CNN Special: Democrats Are Too Nice And Too Smart For Victory  (Related)  Posted by Scott Whitlock  (Related)   on October 24, 2006 - 10:24.

 As part of its continuing effort to spin the midterm elections in favor of the Democrats, CNN recently aired a special that attacked the Republicans on the issues and portrayed the Democrats as too smart and too principled to fight the nasty GOP. Anchor Jack Cafferty hosted the "Broken Government" program that slammed the Republicans for Iraq, incompetence, lack of Social Security reform and many other issues. The ads for the show, which aired October 19, stated that the CNN host would be "taking on the left, right, and center." Well, maybe just that one in the middle. Prior to handing off the segment to CNN reporter Candy Crowley, Cafferty introduced the theme of the piece:

 Cafferty: "Republicans bogged down by scandal, bloody war leading up to these midterm elections. We'll have more on that as we move through the hour . First, the Democrats. History suggests they're perfectly capable of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. The Republicans are doing everything they can to hand the Democrats the election. The question is, will they take it?  Candy Crowley is in Asheville, North Carolina for us tonight. Candy, you could get rich selling tickets to people to watch the Democrats try to get their stuff organized."

 Get it? When Cafferty focused on the Republicans  (Related)  , he mentioned all the terrible things they’ve done. But for the Democrats, the issue is why aren’t they winning and what can be done about it? And thus, you have CNN’s version of balance.

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